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DroneBlocks Coder


Ages 13 - 15 | Beginner - Intermediate

DroneBlocks teaches STEAM and the real world application of drone technology through the DroneBlocks Curriculum and simulator by using Tello Drones.  Students will apply computer science principles through a suite of software and will learn industry skills that can be used in drone flight careers.  Students will collaborate in teams to create positive outcomes using technology as a tool in engaging STEAM experiences.



Identify & Apply the skills related to drone flight

Work as a team to apply drone flight etiquette

Apply block coding skills to control drone movement

Apply career industry skills while flying drones

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Gage Martino

Coding Instructor

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5 Campus Offerings

DroneBlocks Coder

May 30th - June 3rd

Beginner - Intermediate

9:00AM - 1:00PM


DroneBlocks Coder

June 12th - June 16th

Beginner - Intermediate

9:00AM - 1:00PM


DroneBlocks Coder

June 26th - June 30th

Beginner - Intermediate

9:00AM - 1:00PM


DroneBlocks Coder

July 17th - July 21st

Beginner - Intermediate

9:00AM - 1:00PM


DroneBlocks Coder

July 31st - August 4th

Beginner - Intermediate

9:00AM - 1:00PM


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